Create a Boyfriend

Everyone out there has a dream guy. here you can make one of your own. make sure you put honest answers, so you can get a boy that you will like. comments and rates are greatly appreciated.

If you dont get the results you wanted please dont get mad. just take this again ok. and also i will be adding pictures soon, so you know what he looks like. so get ready. Now Lets Start!!!

Created by: Tiffani

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a female
  2. Whats ur style
  3. Color?
  4. Are you a loner
  5. Hair color
  6. Cat or dog
  7. Is he a brony :)
  8. ...
  9. do you like wolves
  10. Are you gonna rate and/or comment. They are greatly appreciated
  11. Are you gonna rate and/or comment. They are greatly appreciated

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