Countries around the world

this quiz will show how good you are on flags and---untires . At the end of the test you will get a mark out of 100% and that will give u a detailed explanation on what u need to do better to get a higher mark.

Remember u can retake the test as many times as u want to get better at this quiz. Thank u for raincoat in our countries and flags quiz. We hope you enjoyed it and remember have a nice dsy

Created by: Ashton
  1. What is one country in the United kingdom (uk)
  2. Describe the flag of the United states
  3. Do you think Australia is bigger than India?
  4. What continent is the UK in
  5. What continent is Sydney in
  6. Is pizza Italian food
  7. What place does fish and chips come frkm
  8. What is a continent
  9. What is not a continent I'm this list
  10. Is Britain a country

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