Could You Survive ... THE ARENA?

Do you have have what it takes to survive the Arena take this quiz to find out. Wwwww?

Good luck. You're going to need it!

Created by: HelloKeeper24
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you react if someone told you you had to fight in an arena.
  2. What would you say if a wounded gladiator asked you to end his suffering.
  3. You are in the Arena's armory other than the basics what primary weapon do you take.
  4. You get punched then everything is a blur the crowd starts cheering out your name you see a dead body in front of you. You don't know what happened , but you feel proud.
  5. Now you are back in the armory to choose a backup weapon.
  6. Still in the armory now for the melee.
  7. The sponsors are yelling release the zombies what do you do?
  8. This is my first quiz will you rate ?
  9. Please tell others of this quiz.
  10. Also please rate.

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