Could you survive as a child?

Are you a real child? Do you act like a child? Are you a child that acts like an adult? Take my quiz and you’ll find out how much of a child you are! Warning! This quiz is very accurate.

¿Eres un chico de verdad? ¿Actúas como un niño? ¿Eres un niño actuando como un adulto? ¡Haz mi prueba y descubrirás lo infantil que eres! ¡Advertencia! Este cuestionario es muy preciso.

Created by: Claire
  1. Ok. It’s Halloween and a sign on a bowl of candy says “take as much as you want but leave enough for others”. What do you do?
  2. Pretend are a very lazy child. You sit down on the couch cause someone left the tv on. The news is on. You can’t find the remote. What do you do?
  3. You find a dollar on the ground. Across the street a charity is going on, waiting for donations. Your father/mother/guardian says you should donate it. And you can see it isn’t a suggestion. What do you do?
  4. Older siblings are
  5. TV=
  6. Your mother/father/guardian says you must dust. You can easily get out of it while technically do your chore. Weather do you do?
  7. There are two books/candies/toys you want. You parent only gave you 5 bucks but the other thing you want ALSO costs five bucks. What do you do?
  8. You’ve broken your finger but the way you broke it will get you in serious trouble! What do you do?
  9. What age ends your childhood?
  10. Why do children dig up worms

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