could you survive a zombie invasion

if you belive the threat of zombies isn't there well your very wrong my friend... there are actuly parisites that can make animals do what they want so with the proper evelotion maybe they will take us over

i this quiz i'll test your knowlege about the once humman creature known as the zombie and see if you will survive. of course if you have commited your life to this subject seek experts to see if your ready this is for the average person to see if they are ready!

Created by: jackson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you hear news about hospitals being over wellmed with patients as well as a new virus only spread by human blood or other body fluids whats your reaction
  2. where do you live
  3. some one is smashing on your door what do you do.
  4. what gun would you use as a primary wepon
  5. what gun would you use as a secondary
  6. if forced to leave what would you grab first
  7. what is the best clothing to were
  8. how many friends (assume they all survived) can you count on to help you
  9. if some one you love tells you the have be bet you...
  10. on a scale of one to five (FIVE BEING ALOT) how much do you know about zombies
  11. how would you say on a scale from 1 to 5 5 being the best how would you say how prepared you are (i mean with stored food wepons and ammo and things like that.) side note:1 does not affect your awnser
  12. true or false you think you could survive a zombie attack
  13. on a scale of one to 5 how much do you care about other people

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