Could you stand still at my school?

Many people can stand a nice party. But some can't. Do you think you can stand still inside a party at my classroom? Well? Come on and find out, it'll be a blast~

It's half roleplay, I have to admit, but hopefully that doesn't ruin it. Our class likes candy and sweets. That's why I've brought you here. :3

Created by: amazon
  1. Alright. So, there's this awesome teacher in my class this year. She's the best. You k ow why? She loves candy. And she passes it out every day. Want some?
  2. Anyways, this Friday (This is a bit of Roleplaying on the date part), she plans to let us have pizza and stuff. So, you up for it?
  3. TIMESKIP Alright. We have some nice drinks and stuff, you can handle it I think. :3
  4. Oh look- The teacher has a candy bucket. :O I wonder what it's for? Do you wish to check it out?
  5. MORE TIMESKIP Are you ready to leave? We've gotten just about everything. Unless you stayed over there.
  6. EVEN MORE TIMESKIP Miss _______ has returned without a delay. :D I'm sure it's close to Midnight. Let's proceed home before our parents attack us.
  7. Alright. That was just a lame quiz. :3 I got bored and reminded myself that my class likes parties.
  8. I need le twelve questions.....
  9. Well then. I do hope you had a good time.
  10. Bai~

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