Could you live as a wolf?

Wolves are great creatures, and they live a long time to! But if you were a wolf, how long would you live? Do you have the skills to survival...... as a WOLF???

If you have no clue.... that's what this is here for! Take this quiz to find out how long you would live if you were a wolf...... BY BECOMING ONE!!!!!

Created by: Haylea

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. (no effect) Do you like wolves?
  2. Your a young pup in the woods, with no mother, and you see a flock of geese. Your hungry and try to hunt them. How do you hunt?
  3. You kill three geese and walk over to eat them. But suddenly, a reddish-brown wolf runs in and takes two. How do you react?
  4. The wolf gets away and you eat the remaining goose. Soon, its dark out! There are predators at night!!! You need safety, FAST!!!
  5. You find an acceptable den in a cave by a stream. In the morning, you catch a rabit and go for a walk. Suddenly a pack of wolves comes over and you see a young brown wolf, opposite your gender. They trot over and nudge you playfully. What do you do?
  6. As soon as you react, there mother growls at you and the pack leaves. So you go home! But you are lonely, do you get a mate?
  7. Either way you find a nice mate named Fang and have three puppies. Three years later you take the puppies out on their first hunting lesson, how do you teach them?
  8. Eventually, they get how to do it and bring home a moose for dinner. You have finally started a decent pack! The next day a lone wolf comes up to the pack and surrenders to you, letting you be her alpha, can she join?
  9. (If not, your family convinces you and you agree to let her join.) Soon, another pack swarms in, trying to force you to bow down to their alpha, do you?
  10. Your pack eventually wins and you move to a quiet forest, for safety. You and Fang are out one evening, when the other wolf that you let join turns on you and kills your puppies. How do you punish her?
  11. As soon as you react she fights you, for alpha! She flings you into a river and you run for safety, leaving Fang behind. You find a pack and they reluctentley agree to let you join. You are made a dug, the lowest level of a pack.
  12. Your pack is out hunting one day when you come across a mountin lion! The whole pack fights, but it is you who kills it. The alpha promotes you to seaina, the third level of a pack. You have to eat last, but the pack now respects you slightly more.
  13. ( Your slowly making your way up the pack rankings! ) The pack eats the lion and goes to a quiet mountin peak, with a nearby stream, the den. The peak has a small cave carved into the mountin and they sleep there. The next morning, a stray wolf comes over, ITS FANG!!! The alpha growls at him, in warning and Fang wimpers. You need to help him!
  14. Before you react,( if you do )Fang attacks the alpha, and you do the same. Fang goes behind him and your in the front. Soon, the alpha lies dead, and almost every one bows to you. The ones who did not are: a gray wolf, a redish brown wolf, a dark brown wolf, and a light brown wolf.
  15. You banish whoever and mate with Fang. You have four puppies. How do you teach THEM to hunt?
  16. (no effect) Did you like this this quiz?

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