Could you live a day in my shoes?

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I love sports. I love neon colora (hint, hint). I go to a crazy high school. I work at home a lot. Could you live a day in MY shoes? Could you do the things I do???

I stress educational and physical skills. Running is great, but studying is too. They'll both get you far! So, take this quiz to see if you could even live a day in my shoes or not. And... do you know me well?

Created by: JeNnIsThEBoMb
  1. I am usually a bright, cheerful person. I am not very girly, but i do wear skirts/dresses to church. Provided this information, what do you believe is my favorite color?
  2. I lovvvvvvveeeee sports! I can run quick, jump high and have great "umph" in my wrists, as we say. Based on this, what do you believ is my favorite sport?
  3. I take all honors courses. I want to take AP next year, my sophomore year. Could you handle that?
  4. Can you handle guys hitting on you all day?
  5. What are your usual grades?
  6. Just to be funny, what size shoe do you wear?
  7. I have a list of chores i complete every week. What would you do if given the list?
  8. Pi equals: 3.14159265.... What math course did you take in ninth grade?
  9. Yawwwwwwwn. It's 11:17pm. What would you be doing now? (Keep in mind, it's a friday:D)
  10. Okay, so there's this guy sitting behind you on the bus that u don't really know, but your friend does. He's tqlking about the swim team when he tells a girl, "yeah, no one wants to see all that in a bathing suit!" Then he turns to you and says, "YOU should've joined the swim team!!!" I am an outgoing, open-minded, adventurous, and sometimes rebellious tom boy. What do you believe i said?
  11. I'm soooooo bored, but i love making quizzes. Since i take time out of my day to make these, i think you should rate and comment on this quiz!

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