Could you become a moderator? (Be honest!) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Could you become a moderator? (Be honest!).
Could you become a moderator? (Be honest!)
Your Result: Yes you will become one! 87%Yay someday you'll be a moderator because you have lots and lots of potential!(sp) So good job and I look forward to seeing you as a moderator! Just get your name out there so people can vote for you!
Could you become a moderator? (Be honest!)
Your Result: Yes you will become one! 84%Yay someday you'll be a moderator because you have lots and lots of potentual!(sp) So good job and I look foreward to seeing you as a moderator! Just get your name out there so people can vote for you!
I got 87% that I will become a moderator!
I got 100% I would love to become a moderator gorilla
tag is my favorite game!
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