Could you Be My Friend?

Could we really be friends? I'm a complicated person honey, and a complete a--hole so good luck. I don't really care what you think unless you're my BFF and no one is my BFF.

Take this quiz to find out if we'd be friends or not. If you get hell yes then I applaud but if you get Stay Away then i suggest never entering my quiz again.

Created by: Hanji Zoe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like anime?
  2. Favorite Color?
  3. Do you like rock, heavy metal or rap?
  4. Do you support LGBT?
  5. Would you join the Military?
  6. You see someone crying in the hallway and no one is helping them. What do you do?
  7. Cold or hot?
  8. Do you stereotype? (Example: Jocks, rebels, druggies, cheerleaders, athletes?)
  9. What do you think of the outcasts at your school? (they're the ones who don't fit in anywhere and often stay alone)
  10. Pick one and good luck.

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