Could you be my friend?

Could you be my friend? do ya think you can? this is for boys and girls hope ya like it and enjoy! Remember me AGAIN? it's me Scar and i got bored so i made this quiz. Please rate and enjoy!

Enjoy and please rate ok? And take my other quizzes that say Scar on them which is mine ook? Enjoy and rate! -Scar >

Created by: Scar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a gorgeous sunny Saturday and i'm free for the day what do you want to do with me!
  2. what would you do if hannah montanna came up to you?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. It's my birthday what do you get me?
  5. what's your fav saying?
  6. How would you text me?
  7. do you like outdoor activities
  8. What's my nickname?
  9. Do you like my quizzes?
  10. How would you say goodbye
  11. ready for your results?

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