Could you be my friend?

There are many friendships, but, unfortunately, some are just not right for some people. Friendship is just another word for love! Friends are people who always have your back, and are fine with you calling them for advice at 3 am. Everybody needs some kind of friend.

Well, forget about everybody, because this is about me! In this quiz, it will be decided if you could be my friend! Could you hold the title of "LittleNerd's best friend"? In just a few minutes, you could find out!

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If I greeted you with, 'Top of the morning, good sir/madame! How are you on this fine day?', how would you reply?
  2. If you saw two kids being incredibly rude to me, what would you do?
  3. Are you weird?
  4. If I randomly start dancing, what would you do?
  5. Describe yourself using 3 words. Choose your first word:
  6. Describe yourself using 3 words. Choose your second word.
  7. Describe yourself using 3 words. Choose your third word.
  8. If we were friends, how would you show your commitment?
  9. Question for girls: Are you a tomboy or a girly-girl?
  10. Question for boys: Do you often stereotype genders?
  11. Question for non-binary people: I have no question for you, sorry about that 😬

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