Could you be my friend?

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Heya! Welcome, welcome to my quiz! I’m nurse and I make quizzes here on GTQ. If you’d like to talk, head to the forums sometime, and I might be there! :) The next paragraph is about this quiz, so make sure you read it!

Anyways, you may have wondered.. Hm, could I be friends with nurse? Or maybe we already are and you’re just curious to see your results! This quiz will give you a mostly accurate percentage of our chance of being good friends. What are you waiting for? Get a move on!

Created by: nurse
  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Do you like Sanrio?
  4. What is your idea of having a good time with friends?
  5. Does it bother you when people are clingy?
  6. Which of these places would you prefer to hangout?
  7. What do you value in a friendship?
  8. Are you a boy or a girl? (Not a huge determining factor)
  9. Are you outgoing or easygoing?
  10. Which food do you like best?
  11. Do you have a sweet tooth?
  12. Do you go to school?
  13. Do you want to be my friend?

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