Could you be a youtuber?

Find out whether or not you can be youtuber! With this quiz I may warn you it isn't the best quiz out there, but it will give you a hopefully honest result!

I hope you are happy with your result! And even if you get a no and you want to be a YouTube don't really take this seriously keep trying and never ever EVER give up!

Created by: Lucy
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Who much time do you spend on the Internet?
  3. Tv or nahh?
  4. Interests?
  5. Are you interesting?
  6. Favourite subject?
  7. Do you like YouTube?
  8. Favourite youtuber? (This question has no effect, sorry)
  9. Talents? (This question has effect :) )
  10. Pick a face.
  11. This quiz kinda sucks. I'm sorry.

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