Could You Be A Spy

Are you meant to be a spy take this quiz to see if you are if you like spies then you probably know all the answers if you wanna test your skills then this is the test for a spy

Are you a super spy come in and see come genius your out their genius super spies where are you if you think your a super spy and wanna see for real if you are one this is the test for you

Created by: Joy
  1. Do you like to wear black
  2. Do you want to be a spy
  3. Do you have a stone face
  4. Do you have spy gear
  5. Are you Quiet
  6. Does your family know you want to be a spy
  7. What your favorite color
  8. Do you like Pokémon You will problly fail this one
  9. Are you Sneaky
  10. Can you keep secrets

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