Could you be a medicine cat?

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This is a semi-easy quiz about Warriors, actually about the medicine cats in the books. There are few harder questions, but they are possible. Don't cheat!

It's my first time making a quiz, but I hope you find it interesting. I've written down 10 semi-easy questions, I hope it's not too short. Anyways, I'll let you begin.

Created by: Milakyuu
  1. Which of these herbs can be used to ease sleeping problems, distress and shock?
  2. What of these herbs you should NEVER use for queens?
  3. What is the "religion" of clan cats?
  4. Can you use Water Hemlock to cure greencough?
  5. Which of these supplies can be used to store herbs?
  6. Which of these herbs can be used to cure wounds?
  7. What of these herbs is poisonous?
  8. What is Moonstone?
  9. Your clan has a yellowcough epidemia. What do you do?
  10. How do you take care of a broken limb?

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