Could YOU Be a Bad Friend?

Are you a good friend? Are you there for your friends, accepting of who they are, keep their secrets, and never let them down? Do you take time to get to know them?

Do you make an effort? Do you put them before yourself? People who are good friends get a lot more friends. A lot of people like them. Usually in a friendship, you get what you give.

Created by: Ava

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You promised Shelly you'd help her with her math homework tomorrow, but then Sarah calls and invites you to the pool! You love the pool! You
  2. Your friend Theresa is super mad at you for telling one of her secrets. You know it was your fault. You
  3. Everyone is making fun of your friend Victoria's braces. So you
  4. Lately, your friend Grace has been spending more of her time with Emily, the new girl, than you. You
  5. Your friend Jean asks if you think her hair looks bad today. You
  6. Lauri, the most popular girl in school, has told you that you can't be in the popular group anymore if you continue to be lisa's friend. Lisa has been your friend your whole life. You
  7. You just broke up with your boyfriend. As soon as you broke up, your friend Catherine starts dating him. You
  8. You really want to go to the mall, but your friend Taylor really, really wants to go bowling. You
  9. Do you know your friend's favorites, likes, and dislikes?
  10. Are you a good friend? Be honest.
  11. Did you like this quiz? It wasn't boring, was it? This doesn't have any effect on the score. I'm only curious.

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