Could You Babysit My Sisters? (And stay alive)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Gretchen is 10, Stella is 4, and Izzy is 1 and a half. These are not my real sister's names, but are their real personalities and ages :)

So, do YOU think you can handle them? Pffff. Yeah right. Good luck with that. Let's just see about that, okay? XD I'm telling ya...I wouldn't put money on it. XD

Created by: UnLoving

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You walk in. Gretchen says hi, while Stella observes from the background. Izzy squeaks with joy and tries to climb....
  2. Where do you set your purse?
  3. You turn to Gretchen and say....
  4. You look down at Stella and say....
  5. You then look down at Izzy and....
  6. You all go into the living room. Arrangements....
  7. A fight breaks out, because Stella is trying to sit on Gretchen's chair and is being pushed off. How do you handle this?
  8. Diet Co---
  9. Fluttershy's Yay song is blasting through the house.
  10. do you feel about Stella taking her pants off?.....
  11. BTW Izzy is now on top of the arm of the couch.
  12. ....And there's broccoli on that tutu.....
  13. It's dinner time. What do you feed them?
  14. It's most bath time, but first....
  15. After bath time, who do you put to bed first?
  16. Who goes to bed last?
  17. How exhausted are you?
  18. Bye

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