Could we be friends?(Remastered)

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I offend many people with my last “could we be friends quiz” specifically people in the LGBTQ+ community so I made this quiz to try and fix my mistakes from the last quiz!

Sorry to all the people I offended from my last quiz I am so so so so so sorry for making some of you feel targeted that was not at all the point of that quiz I truly am sorry. I feel so bad please comment if you need me to make another if you are still offended.

Created by: BoldNotCold
  1. How would you respond if I said “sooo, we are gonna be random Ravenclaw/ your Hogwarts house people like not shown in the movies for Halloween right?”
  2. What’s your Hogwarts house?
  3. Are you okay with me having small metal breakdowns every week (not saying I have them every week just some)
  4. If I said I was getting back together with my ex who broke my heart what would you do?
  5. If you thought my crush was ugly, what would you do?
  6. Are you religious?
  7. If you are religious, what is your religion
  8. Oops I forgot to ask what’s your age?
  9. And your gender?
  10. Have you ever watched “Call the Midwife”?
  11. Do you like someone?
  12. Ready for your results
  13. Bye! Comment if you want!

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