Could we be friends

Do you want to know if you can be friends with me. Then you should take this quiz. My name might give a hint to a few questions but that's OK with me.

Please answer the questions honestly. And overall, just have fun with this quiz. I hope you like it. Try my other quizzes too. I have a lot of different type ones so have fun. : D

Created by: Nico_Girly24/7
  1. What is you'r age?
  2. What is you'r gender?
  3. What is you'r fav color?
  4. What is you'r fav animal?
  5. What is/was you'r fav subject in school?
  6. What is you'r personality?
  7. What height do you like?
  8. What hair color do you like?
  9. What hair type do you like?
  10. What eye color do you like?
  11. What do you like to do in your free time?
  12. Did you like this quiz?
  13. What movies or books do you like?
  14. What type of personality do you like?

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