Could we be friends?

I was doing these types of quizzes and everyone keeps saying that I suck and that I should go away… so I decided to make my own that’s less hurtful… hope you enjoy!

Idk what to put here so imma let auto correct do it’s thing hey hey just John unfortunately I’m. Hudson I eyes . If keep . Share . Gif. Hush iguana . Heheh if I turn has hurt

Created by: Wideweir
  1. How old are you?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What do you play?
  4. If I was upset, what would you do?
  5. What do you identify as
  6. What extra curriculum do you do? (If you have more than 1 choose the one you do most)
  7. Do you like movies?
  8. Do you like books?
  9. I talk a lot, would you care?
  10. Do you like people?
  11. Based on this quiz, what is your opinion on me?

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