Copyright Law Quiz

This quiz will test you knowledge about copyright the law that go with it. As teachers you will need to understand what you can and can't use without permission.

The following quiz contains true and false and multiple choice questions. Answer each question to the best of your ability. If you can't figure out an answer, skip the question and come back to it later. There is no point in spending all your time staring at a question that you don't know the answer to.

Created by: Brooke Billing
  1. True or False: Authors can sell their copyright.
  2. True or False: Under copyright law, authors are only individuals who produce written work.
  3. True or False: Computer programs are eligible for copyright.
  4. True or False: Students can publicly perform copyrighted work only if there is no admission charge and no compensation paid to any performer or promoter.
  5. True or False: Students and teachers performing copyrighted dramatic works in the classroom is a copyright violation.
  6. True or False: Teachers can make copies of workbooks, answer sheets to standardized tests, or other "consumable" material.
  7. True or False: A teacher owns the copyright to any lesson plans, books, or other teaching materials they create while employed by a school district.
  8. True or False: Works on the Internet are protected by copyright law.
  9. True or False: If two or more authors collaborate on work, all of them own a right to the ENTIRE work.
  10. Copyright law protects the ______ _______ of authors.
  11. What type of copyright protects a teachers' lecture notes from being published and sold by a student?
  12. Which of the following did copyright notice have to include under the Copyright Act of 1976?
  13. The owner of copyrighted work must go to _______ court to sue anyone who violates copyright laws.
  14. Generally, copyright lasts until ____ years after the death of the author.
  15. Which of the following copyrighted works can a teacher make a SINGLE copy of for their OWN classroom preparation?
  16. What conditions must copies meet in order for the teacher to make MULTIPLE copies for classroom use?
  17. What allows teachers to make multiple copies of a story that is less than 2,500 words.
  18. What allows teachers to copy a single poem by their favorite author for one of their classes to read?
  19. What allows teachers to make copies that need to be used quickly, not allowing for timely reply to a request for permission.
  20. According to Brevity, teachers may make multiple copies of a complete poem if it is less than _____ words and printed on _____ pages or less.
  21. Spontaneity states that the copying is at the _________ and ________ of of the individual teacher.
  22. Cumulative effect allows copying if the copy is made for only ___ course(s) in the school.
  23. How many articles can be copied from the same author during on class term?
  24. What is the maximum number of multiple copying instances that can legally occur for one course term under cumulative effect?
  25. Teachers may keep videotapes of copyrighted TV programs without obtaining a license for ____ days?
  26. Under normal circumstances, the copyright owner can collect awards between ____ and ______ dollars from the copyright infringer.
  27. If the copyright infringer acted willfully, they may be charged up to _____.
  28. Which Copyright Act permits k-12 schools to perform or display copyrighted work in the classroom?
  29. Which of the following is a non-profit educational institution?
  30. The ______ Act allows educators at accredited non-profit educational institutes to use most copyrighted works in distance leaning without permission.

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