
You are on the right track, and show good progress. Keep up the good effort, and you will learn what you need. Live out what you learn is the key. Well done.

You are on the right track, and show good progress. Keep up the good effort, and you will learn what you need. Live out what you learn is the key. God bless.

Created by: Deacon John
  1. In the year 1988, what percent of high school sophomores identified themselves as sexually active?
  2. In the year 1998, what percent of high school sophomores identified themselves as sexually active?
  3. In the year 2012, what percent of high school sophomores identified themselves as sexually active?
  4. In the year 2012, what percent of high school seniors reported that they were sexually active?
  5. What does the Catholic church teach about sexual intercourse?
  6. What does the Catholic Church teach about people who are attracted to people of the same sex?
  7. Why does the Catholic Church teach that Marriage is permanent, until the death of one of the partners?
  8. What the Catholic church teach is the two-fold purpose of Marriage?
  9. What are the sacramental symbols of Baptism?
  10. What are the sacramental symbols of Confirmation?
  11. What are the sacramental symbols of Marriage?

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