computer webster

Time to start showing off or showing down. Show how good your internet know how is. Is it good or bad? okay? You need to take it to find out. But before you do.. you must know that this quiz will kill your reprtation as a winner.

Not only will this quiz make you get revewed , no no. This will alo inform you on great sites that are usful. ( mostly games.) I wish you farewell on your quest. Your quet of the ultra super cool web of the internet that is.

Created by: dragonshield
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who made the internet?
  2. have you heared of ?
  3. have you heared of ?
  4. hvae you heared of ?
  5. Have you heared of ( ?
  6. Have you heared of ( or marapets) ?
  7. have you heared of ?
  8. have you heared of ?
  9. have you ever cheated or do you know a cheat for 3d pinball?
  10. have you heared of ?
  11. have you heared of Google sketchUp?
  12. what is its add-on name?
  13. did you like this quiz? Be honest.

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