Complications, chpt. 1

The story, Complications, is about a girl(guys can take it too, I guess) who finds out how totally awesome she is! It's like a story, but I love those kinds of quizzes anyway!

Description of characters: Koko, short, skinny, Japanese, bubbly with medium hair streaked with red; Ryan, tall, athletic, Koko's twin, longish hair and good style; Simon, tall, skinny, pale with longish black hair and blue eyes; Caden, tall, skinny, tan, good style and British. He's sarcastic.

Created by: Flyer2473
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It your first day at the new school. Relax. You've moved around enough. The first day is always the hardest. It'll be okay though. You might get teased for your English accent, but it's happened before. You breathe out heavily as you step off the bus. Slinging your backpack behind you, you approach the cliche brick school. It looks like every other school you've seen in movies, maybe a little bigger. But, it felt.....weird. You felt weird. This has happened before, and that resulted in moving a few months later. Approaching the door, a group of boys runs into you from behind. "Sorry," one said, glaring at his friend. Always, it always starts this way. Then, a glare from the teacher as you introduce yourself. You find your locker, and start unloading your stuff. A cheeky Japanese girl opens her locker next to you. She rode your bus this morning, having sarcastic arguments with her twin brother. "Hi! It', right? That's your name? I'm Kiko. I ride your bus!" she said smiling.
  2. You give her a chance. "Yeah, hi." you say, trying to be friendly. "Hey Kiko! Whose your new friend? Hmm, she's cute!" her brother said, coming up behind you. You laugh. "Don't, he's just joking-" Kiko started. "I'm Ryan. And you must be __?" he said shaking your hand. "Yeah, that's me." you say. "Oh, she's exotic!" Ryan said. "If you call English exotic, then yes. I lived there for a good while." you say. Ryan was funny. Kiko rolled her eyes. "Come on __, you should get to your class now. Where's your first period class?" you find out that you and her have the same few classes. She shows you where it is, talking about how weird her brother was. She was funny, and you felt the strangest, deep connection that meant you and her shared more than just a few classes.
  3. You walked into the classroom laughing and smiling, something that hadn't happened since you moved to the States. The other kids were sitting on desks, goofing around and just, well, being kids. The teacher walked in as the bell rang. He was a short, stout man, not fat or thin. He had a pink, piggy face under a curly mustache with rolled up sleeves. "Come on, take your seats!" her said. Kiko took me to sit in the back. I took a seat in-between her and a skinny boy with black hair that covered most of his face. I noticed him looking over at me. I smiled, and immeadetly felt a sharp pain behind my eyes. He must have felt it too, because he rubbed his temples like me. I looked back over at Kiko, who was doing the same. I looked up at the front, feeling foggy and started to see colors infront of me. "-good to see you all back. And I see we have someone new. Miss, please come to the front." the teacher said. I barely heard him, but went up, trying to collect myself. "I-I'm __, I was born and raised in England. I'm __ years old. I-" You stopped, feeling an intense pain in my head. You dropped to my knees, clutching my head. My ears were ringing, but you could hear a whispering. You couldn't make anything out, but you saw Kiko and the other boy doing the same.
  4. Your vision clears, and you look up to see you were lying on the ground, surrounded by people. Kiko was there, looking pale. The boy was gone. A nurse gave you a glass of water. "Are you alright? You must have blacked out." she said. You just nod, and allow a stranger to help you to your feet slowly. "Why don't you and Kiko come back to the nurse station and I'll call you parents." said the nurse. Feeling dizzy still, you and Kiko follow the nurse throughout the hall. You go to a bright room with two beds. The nurse turns off a set of lights, making the room comfortably dimmer. She calls Kiko's parents first. "That was weird." she said. "Yeah, it was like, all of the sudden, I'm on the ground with my head pounding.....did....did you..." you start, about to ask her of she heard the whispering. "Yeah. Yeah, I heard it. It said.....Uh, something like 'the complications are too great. Discover...'. Or was that just me?" "I couldn't understand much. Should we tell the nurse?" you asked. "I don't think so. We'll go through all kinds of tests. And I KNOW il not crazy." You both laughed. The nurse finished her calls and gave you both more water and medicine before sending you to your other class. "Time to introduce myself again. Maybe it wont turn out so bad this time." you joked. You and Kiko retrieve your stuff from the classroom and overhear the teacher and another staff member talking. "-she's more powerful than we thought. They all are." one said. "Where did you say Simon went after?" was the reply. "I don't know, but he just disappeared when __ collapsed." "Well, we need to find him." the staff member left, and you and Kiko hurried out of the room.
  5. "What was that all about?" you ask. " probably wasn't about us." Kiko says, sounding scared. You look to her, trying to keep her calm. She smiles weakly, and says "Having a hell of a first day, huh?" you laugh and nod. Making it to your fourth class, (you missed a couple because of the black out, but it isn't really important) you and Kiko take seats next to Kiko's friend Marie. She looks at you, smiling politely, but turns her attention to whispering to Kiko. You decide to pay attention, learn how the rules work. It was pretty different from England, but it was okay. You suddenly feel a pole from behind. Ryan is sitting behind you. He passes you folded note. Turning around, you unfold it. 'Heard you fainted. Is the big ole' USofA too big for ya?' you shake your head and write back 'I think it's your ego that's too big for me. Stop worrying about it.' Ryan reads this and puts up his hands in false surrender. The next few classes were boring, the next few 'new student' introductions were the same. But you couldn't stop thinking about the black out (everyone asked about it) and Simon. Where HAD he gone? At lunch, Kiko invites you to sit with her and Mari, but Ryan invites you to sit with him and his friends. You spot Simon among the rambunctious crowd of boys. Telling Kiko you'll sit with her in a minute, you go to get some answers from Simon.
  6. "Hey, uh, Simon. I need to talk to you for a second?" you say as he comes out of the lunch line. "What do you want, ___?" he says flatly. "You had that headache too, right? Why do think we felt that?" you start. Simon shakes his head, making his black hair shine. "I've had my suspiscions. Are you um, a flyer?" he asks. "What? What's that?" Simon is taken aback by this. "You mean you don't know? Oh boy." he sighs. "Look, I don't want to be the to tell you. Ask Koko." "She doesn't know either." you imply. Simon sighs again. "I told you, I'm not the one you need to be talking to. Ask someone else." Simon gets up to leave, but you grab his arm. "Wait- the teachers, they were talking about you. They said we were more powerful than they thought." Simon widens his bright blue eyes. He leans in closer. "Meet me outside the gym after dark. Bring Koko and Ryan. Don't. Tell. Anyone. Else." he said forcefully. You nod and go back to sit with Koko and her friends. "What was that all about?" Koko asks. "I'll tell you later." you whisper. "Ooh! I bet he likes you! You're so lucky! And on your first day of school!" another girl, Kayla, says. You smile, secretly hoping he does like you. "No, no. It's not what you think." you say, giggling. After a round of jokes and sarcasm about it, you finish your lunch and head back to your locker. Gathering your things, you notice Simon staring at you. You just nod politely. He nods back, but mouthing 'this is bad' to himself. The day goes on normally, you meet a few new people, and you even got invited to be on the track team. But you can't seem to get what Simon said (or how cute he looked) out of your head.
  7. You leave the school, saying bye to your friends and think that this was a pretty good first day. As you turn onto the sidewalk, Ryan runs up next to you. "Oh, hey Ryan." you smile. "Yeah, hi. you have any idea why Simon wanted to talk to us? Why couldn't it be during the day?" Ryan asks. You rack your brain for an answer. "I.....I honestly can't tell you. I have no idea, but it better be bloody important. It's not easy sneaking out in the middle of the night." You answer, trying to lighten the mood. Ryan looks down. "What's wrong?" you ask. "It''s nothing. I could be wrong, but I'll tell you at the meeting." he says sadly. You pat him on the back and he heads in the other direction. You walk all the way home, and find that your mom is not there. You see a note on the counter that reads 'Had to work late, I'll be home tomorrow. Dinner is in the fridge.' Huh. How convenient. You breeze through your homework and wait until dark. You grab a jacket and head out. It was chilly, mostly because of the wind. You see Koko and Ryan walking on the other side of the street. You go run to meet them. "Hey," you say, out of breath. "Hi ___." Koko says flatly.
  8. Simon motions you to follow him into the dark gym with another tall, skinny boy who introduces himself as Caden. You all sit around the lantern in the dark, empty gym. You sit in between Koko and Simon. She whispers about how she doesn't like how empty it is. "You must be dying to know why you're here." Simon starts. "I have to show you, or you won't believe me." You look curiously up at him. He stands and points two fingers in the air. Suddenly, a streak of blue lucid energy shoots from his finger tips. It hits the ceiling and follows the motion of his hand as it bounces down. He shoots it at your face and it blows your hair back playfully. "What in bloody hell was that?" you shout. "That's what a lighter does, ___." Caden says in his slight Scottish accent. "More explination?" Ryan asks. "There are four kinds of us. Lighters, that do, well, that. Flyers, who can reas minds, dreams, find people far away, sense stuff, the list goes on. But they can't manipulate anything." Simon says. "Floaters, who manipulate water, if it's there. And burners, who can create and manipulate fire." Caden finishes. "And we know that all of you are one of these types of people. It's just a matter of who is who." Koko stands up. "What am I?" she asks Caden. "My guess, a lighter." "But how do I test it?" she asks. "I would just go for it." Simon says. She nods and takes a breath. Then, Koko does a low gymnastics move, light shoot froon her hands and feet. She moves it into orbs, and makes them dance around the room. They dissipate. "That, was, sooooooo cool!!!" she shouts. Ryan just shakes his head. "I knew it. I always have." "What do you mean?" you ask. "I'm a flyer. Thats what I was going to tell you before. I thought I was the only one. But I'm not crazy." you walk over to him and hug the teary-eyed Ryan. "Well, that just leaves you, ___." Simon tells you.
  9. You take a deep breath. You have no idea how you're supposed to start. you try to open your mind, and try to read someone else's. You think you hear caden's mind. "She won't be a burner, I know." it says. "___?" Ryans mind says. "You okay?" you nod. "I.....I guess I'm a flyer." you tell Simon. He looks at you funny. "Are you sure? Try creating fire." You nod. Focusing, you try to get fire to spring from your hand. It does, and you are able to move it around the room easily. "She's both? But that hasn't happened since-" Caden starts to say, but Simon waves his hand. "Try to do what Koko did." he says. You've had some gymnastics expirience, and feeling energized by the fire, you copy the move she did, with the same (if not better) results. Everyone looks at you, wide-eyed. "Well, I bet your a floater now too." Caden says. Ryan hands you a bottle of water. Focusing, you lift the water of of the bottle and move it around the room, lighting it up with your "lighter" abilities. Koko laughs and claps her hands. "This is so cool!" she says. Caden is mildly impressed and Simon is grinning at you. "Well done, ___. Well done." he says. Ryan joins in laughing. "Alright, that's enough! Simon, you know they can't stay here." caden interupts. "What?" Koko asks, surprised. "It's not safe." Caden says. Just then, the lights flared on and you see the janitor standing in the doorway. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!" he shouts. "Oh, crap!" Simon says, grabbing your hand and running. "Come on!" Caden says, running. Koko and Ryan run ahead of you and Simon. Once outside, you don't see anyone else. Simon pulls you to the other side of the building. You two breath heavily and listen for the janitor, but then laugh. "That was funny." you say. "Yeah, yeah it was. But we can't stay here. It's too dangerous." he says, seriously. He stares deeply into your eyes. You try to read his mind, but you're too distracted. You let things take their course.
  10. Simon leans in closer. You feel a little uncomfortable, but don't pull away. Before you know it, Simon is upon you, but he only kisses you for a second. "Be at school tomorrow, but we aren't staying. We need to keep you and the others safe." He says, than runs away. You stare dumfounded after him, trying to recap what happened. You walk home dazidly, and slip into bed. How will you explain this to your mom? What will she think? Is she like you? You eventually fall asleep, without much of a plan. You wake up in a haze, but create fire from your hand to make sure it wasn't a dream. You get dressed and see a note on the table you hadn't seen before. '___, it's your mother. You must know by now who you are. Good luck. I always love you- Mom' you smile and set the note down. You gather personal things and start walking. You meet up with Koko and Ryan outside the school. They know they are leaving with you and Simon. "Our parents had a talk with us last night. It was pretty awkward." Ryan says. You laugh. "My mum just left a note, to avoid talking to me. You meet up with Simon later and he rakes the three of you into a black limo. You don't know where youre going, but he assures you it will be okay.

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