Compatibility Quiz/Test

Do you feel we could get along together? How far in life could we make it? Do you really wanna know? Maybe so, maybe no, but you will find out soon enough, maye we're more perfect than you think.

Do you take love seriously? I Do. Its important, it means more than many things, if you can relate to this, maybe we're meant to be, is it possible? quite so!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Spider
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy music from local or underground bands that play around your town regularly?
  2. Do you like to stay up late talking on the phone?
  3. Can i come to you about any problem under the sun, no matter how weird, personal or disgusting?
  4. Do you play any musical instruments?
  5. Do you enjoy PDA's? (Public Displays of Affection)
  6. How would YOU judge your looks?
  7. What would make you mad?
  8. Do you have a very low self esteem?
  9. What clique qould you classify with?
  10. Do you like sports?

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