compare fractions and decimals

If you finished reading the review page on comparing fractions and decimals then take the quiz. Don't forget to convert or CHANGE decimals into fractions to make them easier to compare and good luck!

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Created by: ps 116 math of PS 116 Math
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which expression is true?
  2. Which expression is true?
  3. Which fraction would make this expression true? 0.20 < 0.50 < ______
  4. Which fraction would make this expression true? 7/10 > 4/8 > _____
  5. Which decimal is equal to the fraction 3/6?
  6. Which fraction is equal to 0.25?
  7. Which decimal is equal to 3/4?
  8. Which expression is true?
  9. Which fraction would make this expression true? 2/5 < .60
  10. Which decimal is equal to the fraction 2/5?

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