Commonly common things

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You probably guessed what this quiz is about from the title anyway.In case you did not, this quiz is all about common things.You might think this is very simple but believe you me, these questions were designed to be tricky!

I hope you are really smart for this.If not,then guess at least but then,DON'T CHEAT's more fun if you don't.Again,these are really tricky and some of these questions may be trickier than the last.Anyways,get going and i hope you have a great time!Let's start shall we?

Created by: quizcreator
  1. What is the most commonly used letter in the english alphabet?
  2. what is the most common used word?
  3. what is a synonym for common?
  4. what is the most common food allergy?
  5. Opposite question!What is the most RARE pokemon in the history of the series(if you don't know,have a guess at least!)
  6. What is the most common birthdate? Hint: it's not the odd one out, in case you were thinking...
  7. what is the most common blood type?(I know...It's hard!)
  8. What is the most common animal?
  9. What is the most common language?
  10. what do the answers all have in common including this one?(there's not a lot of answers so think carefully!!!)(i'm lying-same amount of answers!!!)

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