Common Sense Quiz

You have the common sense of a fifth grader! But thats okay, you might be one! If you're not, that's not okay... Try harder, and go to school and learn your p's and q's!

You have the common sense of a fifth grader! But thats okay, you might be one! If you're not, that's not okay... Try harder, and go to school and learn your p's and q's!gfjhg

Created by: Papa Bear
  1. Level 1: 144/12=?
  2. Level 2: Fix the error: One late after noon, my mother took me and my sister to the movies. We saw a great movie, about a cat and a dog. It had a very sad ending.
  3. Level 3: Who was our second president?
  4. Level 4: Earth and the moon are the only planets in our solar system with water.
  5. Level 5: We were separated from the British in...
  6. Level 6: What hemisphere is Brazil located on?
  7. Level 7: "Wow! My mom did a backflip!" What kind of words are used in this sentance?
  8. Level 8: I did ___ on my quiz.
  9. Level 9: 5x-7<3
  10. Level 10: "This shirt fits, but the sleeves were tight." What kind of sentance is this?
  11. Level 11: What number is between 1662 and 2007?
  12. Level 12: Use "pre-" correctly:

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