Common Knowledge - GlitchGal

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Hello!!!!! Your favourite quizzer, GlitchGal, is back again with yet another quiz! Lol. This one is about general knowledge and I hope you enjoy it thoroughly! 🤗

Is it just me who thinks it is stupid that you have to fill I now paragraphs that contain 150 characters before you can continue to the next step? It is so hart to do! 😭😂

Created by: GlitchGal
  1. Who sings the song 'My Oh My'?
  2. How many more days are there in a year than a week?
  3. What is the biggest ocean in the world called?
  4. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  5. What do you put in a toaster?
  6. Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?
  7. Who invented Computer?
  8. What is James Bonds real name?
  9. Who sings the song 'Savage'?
  10. Who made this quiz?

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