Comedy Quiz, Test Your Knowledge

There are many funny people, but few true comedians. Comedy is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a comedian? A comedian is someone who has an extraordinarily talented mind, is able to solve the annoying things in life, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view

Are YOU a comedian? Do you have the funnybone to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: Jack Roy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In the Bottom episodee 'Carnival' who does Richie try to blackmail?
  2. In Father Ted, what song did they enter in the eurovision song contest?
  3. In Family Guy, what was Peters independant nation called?
  4. In the It crowd episode 'Work Outing' Roy says he was handicapped by...
  5. In Horne & Corden, what are the names of the 2 rubbish magicians?
  6. In Blackadder, who was Blackadders first choice of best man?
  7. In Time Gentlemen Please, who did the gov's wife leave him for?
  8. In TV Burp, who had a fight against the Smurf?
  9. In Laurel & Hardy episode 'Block-Heads' stan is still guarding his post even though WW1 ended how many years ago?
  10. In Red Dwarf episode 'Timeslides' which month was Adolf Hitler in fashist dicator monthly

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Quiz topic: Comedy Quiz, Test my Knowledge