clothing styles quizz

Do you want to know about what style of clothes you wear?Well, do this text and you can check which style you have a great time and have a great time.

At the end of the quiz your answers will apear depending on your percentage, and this way you will be able to know what style do you have. Thank you and enjoy.

Created by: mireia
  1. What do you think is your clothing style?
  2. What style do you like to wear the most?
  3. What types of jeans do you wear?
  4. What do you normally wear as a top part?
  5. Which store do you prefer?
  6. What shoes do you normally wear?
  7. What colors do you like the most to wear?
  8. What accessory do you usually wear in winter?
  9. that only wear jewelry
  10. Choose one of these adidas shoes

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