Classic Television Oldies Quiz!

I have gotten together some quizzie's and even put some 80's in to see how everyone who takes the takes does. I will be doing later on 50's and 60's to see how well you know that decades.

If I put my head with my mind I can be a genius I gusess but my really favorite genius are stephen kind(wow can he write)but I will come up with somemore quiz.

Created by: pqtricia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's get started with some 70's amd maybe some earlier or lastest test so pay attention here gose::: ON DONNY AND MARIE VARIETY SHOW WHO USUALLY DRESS IN A PURPLE SUIT?
  2. BRADY BUNCH:who was caught smoking by the younger kids?
  3. Little80's GOLDEN GIRLS: which girl worked as a subtitute teacher and the only one that was divorced?
  4. EIGHT IS ENOUGH; what were tom bradford's kids names?
  5. Golden Girls; what job did Rose have?
  6. GOLDEN GIRLS: what job did Blanche have or was supposed to have done?
  7. Murder she wrote: is the town cabot cove Maine a real living town to live in?
  8. In Bewitched there were two Darrins and their names were what?
  9. Brady bunch:in it's final season council Oliver came to live with the family and he believed he knew something that was hurting the family. What did he think he had?
  10. Osmond was a very big family and had a cartoon show on saturdays;;;what was the name of the show?

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