Clash Royale Quiz

Most people are dumb but some people are smart. You are dumb and the only way to prove you are smart is by taking this quiz. So you better take or else you will be dumb.

Do you have brain power or are you dumb this quiz. Well prove it all so if you don't want to be dumb you need to take it take it or else you will live in the shadows?

Created by: NinjaCharizarz
  1. How many cards are in the game?
  2. How much legendary are in the game as december 8th?
  3. How many chest are in the game?
  4. What does the most damage in the game?
  5. How much does damage a level one sparkey do?
  6. How much elexer is a dark prince?
  7. Is the pig pen a card?
  8. Is the clone spell going to be good?
  9. How many arenas are in the game?
  10. What has a higher chance of geting a legendary?

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