Christian or Science??

people become smarter and smarter each day and most of them requiring explanation in order to believe something because of the development of Science, but this is the opposite of Christianity which we should believe and cannot be explained.

everyone has their own value and believe. so I really cannot say anything about the result. I really need your help to fill this quiz for my English Report.

Created by: Levinna of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. creation or big bang?
  2. miracle or medical?
  3. justify or believe?
  4. creation or evolution?
  5. God or theory?
  6. let's take a break what is your name?
  7. Satan or ghost?
  8. Christianity or Science?
  9. I ask you once again Christianity or science?
  10. because this is the most important question and i have actually run out of question :) last question is Christianity or science?

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