Choose your own Destiny Quiz | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Choose your own Destiny Quiz.

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  • I already expected my answer. It said i am destined for greatness when all I want to do and get people to actually go for cooperation. I want people to work together for mutual. I hate those who say "my way is the right way" or they act in that respect. If I ever go that way punch me. Because I NEVER want to be like that. I told my parents I do not want to go to college to get a degree. I want to go to learn. I find no value in getting a piece of paper but they are right in that knowledge is necessary. It is the same reason I want to go into the armed forces is because I want to learn WHY they do things in the respect of: My way is the right way. I hate it. One of the instructors in the jrotc unit i am in currently acts like that when we should all be working together. Enlisted military and military cadets are completely different situations. I typically contradict what I want to do but I want to understand why I am drawn toward going into the armed forces. I cannot deny it. I have been drawn toward the armed forces since I started admiring them even those I know are joining the force.

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  • No one will notice when I'm dead? What about my mom, dad, brothers, sister, friends, best friend, close friends, relatives, etc.? They won't notice when I'm dead? I've been with them ever since I was in my diapers and they love me with all their hearts. Does that mean that they won't notice when I'm dead? Let's say, I'm dead. Will they say, "Who's dead again?"? No, they won't. Now, try again because this is probably one of the worst quizzes I've ever done. I know you probably don't care, but I'm just saying my opinion--a word that people really need to understand the meaning of.

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  • Almost all your '?s' were quite impersonal, on the other hand, please be aware a good recipient of my relevant opinion that you your labor lawyer need me, also on reverse, please, so that I can of course become believe in

    so on, greetings, I look forward to talking to you both, Sanntiago, Chile, my official addr.: Pasaje, 'Pje.,' Panguipulli 0643, 8020804 Comuna, 'Com.,' El Bosque, Paradero, 'Pdo.,' 281/2 Gran Avenida, Población, 'Pobl.,' Lagos de Chile etc., note: If you can't help me, for all, I care, you can take an f. hike, because it's also your own status as human beings, the one that's at stake, God IS A Man, Way Too Corrupt, He trends to get away with it!

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  • Do not waste your time. Living a life of mediocrity??? Me??? When I love extreme sports and take risks??? what is this s--- ???

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