Choose Your Character Race

Many times we wish we could become someone, or something, else if only for a day. Here's your chance to either express your inner self or become someone/thing completely different.

Are you really a human? Or are you secretly aligned with the forces and powers of the Vampire, Werewolf, Elf, Ghoul, or even a mixture of these? Take the quiz to find out where you truly belong...

Created by: Kyouri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Nature should be...
  2. Power is...
  3. In order to grow as a person, I must achieve...
  4. The Universe and All Creation...
  5. Truth is...
  6. What sustains me is...
  7. The challenges in my daily, personal life tend to involve...
  8. Spirits...
  9. Those I hang around with (in my social group)...
  10. The struggles faced by the average person tend to focus on the...
  11. I am...
  12. The Tumultuous Times are largely...
  13. Love is...

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Quiz topic: Choose my Character Race