Choose between 5 friends

Hi!!! Sometimes we need to make a decision of which friend to take on a trip, to invite to a sleepover, or something like that. Many people stress out.

I can fix that. Take my simple quiz. It only takes a minute. With up to five friends to enter, who will you get? It's your option!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: DeathlyHorcrux
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you tell your secrets to?
  2. Who would you take to Hawaii if you could only take one friend?
  3. Your cousin is having a sleepover. They say you can bring one friend. That friend is...
  4. You have a crush, and the only person you tell your secret to is
  5. Ok the rest don't count
  6. Meow
  7. Did you like the quiz
  8. Will you rate, comment, etc
  9. Ok,
  10. Bye sorry I had to do so many fill questions😓

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