Chinese Cinderella Quiz

If you want to make Adeline, the main character of the book, proud, this is the quiz for you! With questions from every part of it, this is a great way to test your knowledge!

I recently read this book in English class. If you read it or are daring to take this without reading it, was the book good? Find out how good your comprehension is with this quiz!

Created by: Anonymous

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the name of Adeline's school in Shanghai?
  2. Why is Adeline disliked?
  3. True or False: Adeline is popular at school and a good student.
  4. How often does Adeline receive letters from Aunt Baba when she is at boarding school?
  5. What is Adeline's full given name at birth?
  6. True or False: PLT is the strongest duckling
  7. Who gives the Yens the ducklings?
  8. How old is Jun-ling when the story begins?
  9. Who does Big Sister marry?
  10. How much older than Big Sister is her husband?

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