
These questions consist of lyrics from Chely Wright songs. The lyrics can be from released music or from some wonderful little gems on one of her released cds or even the EP.

Some of the lyrics will be easy to place in songs. Some are not so easy. Some....well, some may be down-right difficult. It's a short quiz, but it should be fun and interesting.

Created by: mandyceleste
  1. ...You've got one of those hearts That keeps changing your mind...
  2. ...It might have been a little reckless, a little desperate...
  3. ...I love you, I lost you, I know what a fool I've been...
  4. ...There's no whiskey hard enough to do the damage that you've done...
  5. ...Our head in the clouds, but our feet on the ground...
  6. ...I am confused and I am broken Can't believe it hurts this bad...
  7. ...And there's that line that you never meant to hurt me...
  8. ...Woke up this mornin', put the coffe on...
  9. ...Hey I do not forgive and I do not forget...
  10. ...You want me to cry for you I'll never feel the way you do...
  11. ...I'm bad with names, but remember faces...
  12. ...Now he lays on the couch And he watches TV...
  13. ...A napkin that is stained with time...

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