Chapter 2 Section 1

This quiz is based on the Power Points on the Ukiah high independent study website. It is simple and straight forward and will only take a couple seconds!

Thanks to this quiz you will be able to test yourself on whether or not these power points are working for you. Have fun and enjoy testing your knowledge!

Created by: estefania of UkiahIndependentStudy
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What percent of government spending is on Defense?
  2. What percent of government spending is on social security?
  3. What percent of government spending is on Medicaid?
  4. What is a Representative Government?
  5. What were the three ideas that the English brought to North America?
  6. How many original colonies were there?
  7. What were Royal Colonies?
  8. Which were the Proprietary Colonies?
  9. What were Charter Colonies?
  10. Which were Charter Colonies?

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