Chaos Walking Quiz

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Idk what to put here so I'm just going to say that this quiz is just so you can see how well you know the book!! Or *books the knife of never letting go, the ask and the answer, and monsters of men.

I AM AMAZING!!! BOW DOWN TO ME!!! Also take the quiz and comment if you liked it!! Thx.. Its making me put more words here so here are more words!!

Created by: todd hewitt
  1. What is the main characters name in the first book???
  2. What is todds pets name and does todd like him at first?
  3. Who does todd met first in the swamp as he's fleeing Prentiss town?
  4. Who do todd and viola meat first as there fleeing prentisstown?
  5. Do todd and viola always stay close to the river or..?
  6. What is violas last name???
  7. How many settlements do todd and viola visit before haven??
  8. Who kills manchee?
  9. Who kills Aaron? And how?
  10. Who shots viola?

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