CDPS Albian Quiz

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Based on the events of the online poll series CDPS. This poll asks takers questions only really relevant to the events of that series and will make literally no sense to those outside of it.

Fascism here doesn't mean the same thing as real life, remember, it just means the tenents of the Fascists movement of CDPS; the only truly unifying one they have being corporatism.

Created by: CD
  1. What is the ideal endpoint Fascist state?
  2. What was the key mistake of the Fascist Constitution?
  3. How do you feel about the Protestants in Arthuria?
  4. How should the Bretwalda be crowned?
  5. What should Albion's trade policy be?
  6. Who is our greatest ally on the continent?
  7. What about Spain, what should our relations with them be?
  8. What about the Guilds?
  9. On what principle should the Bretwalda be chosen?
  10. What is the Legion?

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