Cb zombie survivor quiz

Thanks for taking my quiz! Don't feel bad if you did not do good. This is the first quiz I ever made and my attention span had run out by the end of it. But I am required to type something and I am 13 years old and my friendjist came over so I am going to type random letters to occupy space

Xhefiksdjkaifidildkdjfosjfkdlksofkskocjdgklwnsggdgghddhgdgcgfdcvcxc ac yddhffghfgffgfffghxvjdjkgjutfjjxggvfhhffdkgxgfchlghgfghuhfvvffjhvggxhgxbgcggvfghfhfgdgjhdukkcjcjjffcxjfkfkfkfkxkf

Created by: Cb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you first hear about the outbreak, what do you do?
  2. Regardless of how you answered question 1, you decide you need to work in a group. Who will it be?
  3. Where will you stand in your group?
  4. When do you travel?
  5. If things got nasty, and you could only have one, which would you grab?
  6. If you chose a gun, which would you want
  7. If you chose "melee" as your answer to question seven, which would you want?
  8. You are approached by a pregnant woman about to go into labor. She is infected but the child may not be. What do you do?
  9. All of the sudden, you find yourself surrounded by zombies but you think you might be able to use your girlfriend as a decoy so she gets eaten instead. What do you do?
  10. Do you think this was a fun quiz (no points deducted)

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