Cat or Dog person?

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Many people need a friend in life, and I think everyone should deserve to find the mach.Even if dogs and cats are "enemies" they will always connect.P.S this is not a 100% prof quiz.Thanks for looking.

Are you a cat or dog person... now you will finally know in minuets.Will you be an the Cat team or Dog team.Now do this Quiz to find you fuzzy buddy.

Created by: Ceci Moushey
  1. Do you like outside or inside better?
  2. When you get home are full of energy and ready to play or are you going to lay on the couch and watch TV.
  3. Favorite color/patterns.
  4. Are you Bord? (dose not do anything to your score)
  5. Do you want to be worked for or the one working for someone else?
  6. Do you want big or small?
  7. What do you want?
  8. Do you want a animal that has lots of teeth or only some teeth?
  9. Animal that hunts at a higher level or a ground hunter?
  10. Are you ready to get your results?

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