Cat, dog or ferret?

There are many people in this world... Oh, i need to give a deep intro.. Oh well, why do I write this? Does anybody read this? Does any body even care?

Are you a cat, dog, or ferret? It is classic to have a cat and dog. Throw in some ferret, and you can never know the ending. So what are you? And may the odds be ever in your favour

Created by: Kitten777
  1. What do you do?
  2. Your dreams are mostly about
  3. You see a bag snacher running you...
  4. If you loved me...
  5. Just close your eyes...
  6. Are you a unicorn
  7. Yawwn
  8. Chocolate ice cream
  9. Almost done..... You got trolled
  10. Well, how are you?

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