Carl Grimes quiz

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At win love with Carl Grimes like me? The take this quiz this will show how well you know him! A lot f people know the big details but to be a true Carl lover you have to know the small!

So take this quiz about the small details and to I will know how big of a fan you really are!!!!!!!! And after you take it please comment and tell me what you think or what your score is!!

Created by: Alexa Grimes
  1. What is Carl Grimes' real name?
  2. In season 2, who, where, and how did Carl get shot?
  3. How did Carl get his dad's hat?
  4. In season 5, how did Carl die?
  5. Who did Carl kill in self defense?
  6. Why didn't Carl wear his hat in the beginning of season 4?
  7. Who did Carl name Judith after?
  8. In the comics, who was Carl's girlfriend?
  9. In the comics, what body feature did Carl lose?
  10. On a scale from 1-10 how got is Carl? (NOT AN OPINION QUESTION!!!)

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