Canterwood Crest Trivia

There are LOTS of people who read, but not all people read Canterwood Crest Academy. Do you? Probably. But do you know enough to get through this quiz? Remember, no using books.

Are YOU a genius on Canterwood Crest? I hope so. But there are not many, so don't got your hopes up too high... I'm kidding! You're probably one of the rare geniuses. Good Luck!

Created by: Darcy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In book 8, what did Paige say that hurt Sasha's feelings?
  2. Who does Heather have a crush on?
  3. Why did Sasha and Eric break up?
  4. Why does Callie hate Sasha?
  5. Why did the Trio fall apart?
  6. Why did Lauren go to Briar Creek?
  7. What is Lauren's sport?
  8. Who are Lauren's best friends?
  9. What is Lauren's favourite colour?
  10. Why did Lauren bring her friends home for Christmas?

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