canterwood crest genius (book 1-2)

I know no canterwood crest genius,maybe you are one and maybe me. People only become geniuses because they take their own blood, sweat,and tear and they read until they pass out, hopefully you are that person :)

Did you get a 100% correct if so that means you are a book 1 and 2 "canterwood crest" genius, if you don't know yet you will know in just a few seconds :)

Created by: canterwood crest
  1. who is the mean girl at regionals
  2. who does sasha like?
  3. who did heather let ride aristocrat
  4. who plans the winter party
  5. who is great a cooking and tries out for at kids cooking show
  6. whos heathers partner in the advanced team
  7. who does Jacob like
  8. what does sasha struggle with to make it to regionals
  9. what is the highest grade they have to get to go to regionals
  10. who is sashas best riding friend

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