Canterwood Crest

Do you know your Canterwood Crest? Test your knowledge here! It all comes down to this terribly important test. If you fail, it all comes down on you.

But, by the slightest chance that you succeed, it's like winning the Kentucky Durby! Or for you football players out there, it's like winning the Superbowl!

Created by: Hayley Rose Sylvester

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who does Callie originally like?
  2. Who is Heather's horse?
  3. What is Sasha's favorite riding event?
  4. What is Jasmine's last name?
  5. What is Sasha addicted to?
  6. Who receives Sasha's personel email to Jacob?
  7. Who are Heather's 2 BFF's?
  8. Who does Heather hate?
  9. What did Callie think about Eric and Sasha?
  10. Why did Heather hate Jasmine?

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